
Hardy Elementary Music

Instruction in our elementary music programs is guided by the California Arts Standards - Music. Music is also aligned with San Diego Unified School District’s Standards-based Learning directive and students are assessed in music to ensure acquisition of the standards-aligned critical concepts based on the academic targets within the proficiency scales. The music standards are designed like a spiral, in which students increase and deepen their artistic literacy, creativity, and critical thinking skills at each level, and will emerge ready to engage in a lifetime of arts experiences and appreciation.


Instruction in every arts discipline and at every grade level utilize the same four artistic processes: 

  • Creating
  • Presenting/Performing/Producing
  • Responding
  • Connecting


Hardy has the Full Grade Level music program and students receive a weekly music class for all 4th and 5th graders. 

Fourth grade students will experience the California Arts Standards (music) using the recorders, voice, body, and various classroom musical instruments. 

Fifth grade students will experience and apply music knowledge and skills based on the music standards through a weekly instrumental or vocal ensemble class. In 5th grade, students choose from their preference of band, choir, or string orchestra, taught by two or three credentialed music educators and is held once a week per grade level. 

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