English Learner Advisory Committee
Hardy Elementary School, in accordance with the California Department of Education (CDE), has established an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) to address the needs of our diverse student population. ELAC plays a crucial role in advising our school principal and staff on initiatives for English learners, aligning with the CDE's requirement for schools with 21 or more English learners.
ELAC responsibilities at Hardy include contributing to the development of a site plan for English learners, submitting plans to the School Site Council for consideration in the School Plan for Student Achievement, and assisting in the creation of a school-wide needs assessment. Parents and legal guardians of English learners constitute a percentage of the ELAC membership equivalent to the representation of their children in the student body, ensuring diverse perspectives.
Hardy encourages involvement from parents of non-English learners, staff, and community members, maintaining the EL parent/legal guardian percentage. ELAC elections are held annually, offering all parents/guardians of English learners the opportunity to vote, fostering a collaborative environment.
ELAC members receive training on their advisory responsibilities, covering legal tasks such as site plan development and promoting regular school attendance awareness. Furthermore, ELAC has the privilege to elect members to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
For detailed information on EL student count data and specific ELAC meeting dates, please refer to the school district website. Hardy Elementary School welcomes all parents of English learners to actively contribute to our ELAC, shaping the educational experience for our students and fostering a positive impact on our school community. Join us in making a difference!